Here we are, 2023 up and long gone, and 2024 upon us. Well, for writing, things didn’t go as planned. That’s the whole theme of 2023, in case you didn’t know. But after looking back, I realized I did more than I thought I did.
First of all, I completed the edits on A Challenge and sent it off to beta readers. Wow. That's really no small thing. I mean, I still got to edit it after going through beta readers, but still! What’s more, I think I’ve found the heart of this story, the themes and what it is meant to be.
I also wrote another short story! It took a lot of thinking and brainstorming, and two false starts before I finally landed on the story that I was meant to write. I’m calling this story Project L. I know it’s going to be published, how and when is still in the air, but I am so excited! This short story was one of the best first drafts that I’ve ever done, and when I was writing it, sometimes it was hard for me to stop!
In addition, I started two other projects. One of them is Project S, which is probably going to be a novella, and the other is a secret, because I’m not sure where it’s going. Or if it’s going. I got stuck on it and then had to abandon it for now. But at least I started it, and starting can count for a lot.
By far one of the best things for my writing that happened this year, maybe the best thing, was joining the Young Writer’s Workshop. I’ve already learned so much from there! I even was able to receive live feedback during a monthly course, which for me was huge (and the feedback was both encouraging and helpful). For me, that was a big deal, I’ve never had that before. I’ve also made so many friends, read some fun, awesome work, and just learned a ton. I also came in as a top five finalist in the Character Meet n Greet challenge, which was awesome!
So, though things didn’t go to plan, some great things did happen in 2023. I honestly don’t think that things are going to go to plan in 2024, either, so I’m not holding myself too strictly to these goals. But I am hopeful, and hope can carry you a long way. If you try, you always get farther than if you didn’t.
Publish SOMETHING. What that ‘something’ is going to be, I’m not sure. Maybe it will be Project L. Whether it will be A Challenge… Well, we’ll see. Maybe it will just end up being an article or story on another site, but I want to do something.
Redesign / switch over website. I think Wix is only going to be temporary for me. I’d like to switch over to Wordpress, I think, but there’s a learning curve and it’ll take time for me to get the hang of it like I have with Wix. Still, I want to switch, so we’ll just have to face that and I hope it’ll be worth it. Regardless, I’m still thinking that I’m going to redesign my website again.
Make it a point to support other authors. This, I’ve always tried to do, but I want to make it a point. Whether it’s by beta reading projects, commenting on snippets, or leaving reviews, I want to support my fellow writers in both little and big ways. I want to bless others as God has blessed me.
Stay consistent on the blog. I neglected this little blog of mine last year, and I don’t want to do that this year. While I may not have the most active blog, I still want to post on it and use it to hone my craft and have some fun with my writing, and spill out the musings that are in my head.
Create a writing habit / routine. I don’t have one. Now, in my defense, it was hard to form one last year, due to all that was going on. Sometimes I literally just didn’t know what was going to happen from day to day, and a set time wouldn't have been easy to do. But that is only an excuse, and I would like to form both a habit and a routine for my writing. I want to find a rhythm for myself with this blog and my stories.
Finish drafting Project S. It’s still a work in progress and in the first drafting stage. The awesome thing is, I got feedback on the concept for this story, and was told that it was a good one! I’m excited about it. I just have to figure out what’s going on inside a certain main character… He may be the most stubborn one I’ve dealt with yet.
Pray over my writing. I don’t do this enough, guys, but it really changes everything to have God involved in your writing. Seriously. It’s amazing what He can do. I always want to remember that my writing is to serve Him; I want my stories to always point to His Story.
So, there’s seven goals for 2024. What will happen, that’s up to God. I’m trying to hold the future with open hands before Him. And for those of you who join me on this journey, thank you. I'm honored to be a little part of your own journey.
Until the next post, may you be blessed,