Join the Journey
We're all on our own journeys.
And journeys make for stories.
Would you join me and let my journey, my stories, be a small part of yours?
Dear Reader,
Most of this website is written in third person, but for this section, I wanted to speak to you like I would in a newsletter.
So, what is this newsletter? What's it about? Who's it for?
Well, this newsletter is a place for me to connect with readers and writers of fantastical true fiction and writing. It's a way for people to support me, and I in return to (hopefully) bless them in special ways. It's a more personal connection. And while I talk about my own stories, I don't want to bore you with that or annoy you with sales talk.
As for what it's about, it's about stories. My stories, your stories, and the Greatest Story of all. It's about writing those stories, about not only typing words out on stories, but living out our stories. About how the stories we read and write can affect the stories we live, because it's about the Great Author Himself and the Story He is writing.
This newsletter is a small part of the stories I write and the story I'm living, and I hope, the Story my God is weaving. It's place for fiction and writing that is fantastically true, because that's what our God's story is. A place about seeing beauty in the broken, finding glory in the gloom, loving in a loveless world. A place to write on the journey towards our real home, going further up and further in. And journeys always make for good stories.
So then, that answers the question of who it's for. It's for my fellow story writers and readers, for those who are on a journey and in a story of their own. For my fellow pilgrims ransomed from the Mark, freed from their shame, to walk the path God has called them to and to love as He has loved them.
This newsletter is a part of my journey, my story. Will it be a part of yours? I'd love to have you.
Until next time, fellow pilgrim, whether you join me or not, may you be blessed,
Newsletter subscribers are Abby's valued supporters. They don't get spammed with useless sales talk and their emails are kept private. In the newsletter, you can receive:
-The first half of Beneath the Willow Tree
-The flash fiction piece A Child's Addiction
-Bookish thoughts and musings
-Book reviews and recommendations
-Update news before anyone else
-A chance to read and be notified of blog posts before anyone else
-Teasers and snippets
-Sale news before anyone else
-Flash fiction pieces
-Work in Progress (WIP) updates
-And even more...
​Those who subscribe receive the flash fiction piece A Child's Addiction and the first half of Beneath the Willow Tree, plus exclusive access to The Library, where other pieces of fiction and things subscribers get are posted.