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Sneak Peek into Emberling and the World of Uriu!

Writer: AbbyAbby

Hello everyone! This is just a quick post inviting you to come with me and step into the world of Emberling, a clean Christian fantasy book by Kaytlin Phillips, for a moment. I wanted to introduce you to this unique world and its characters, which I had the privilege of meeting recently. You can find my review of Emberling here, where I already shared some quotes and lines.

First, let's start off with the world of Uriu... Because why not? I think Kaytlin did a good job with the world building, keeping it simple but also unique.

You don't see meadows very often as a setting in fantasy books, it's mostly forests. Which I think is a shame, because the wide open, sprawling plains have always been beautiful to me. The way you can see for mile and miles... The way the grass moves in the breeze, or the wheat ripples like gold in the wind... It truly is beautiful, and I was pleasantly surprised to find this setting in Emberling.

But, Emberling does have its own forest, where Iya is from....

The fun thing about this forest is that it's leaves change with the seasons. Instead of falling off in the fall, they turn white! Which I thought was pretty cool. This forest is beautiful, but also dangerous with the creatures that inhabit it... Creatures which play a fundamental role in Emberling, but I won't spoil it.

One of the things that intrigued me about Emberling was Iya and her fire power, a gift from Elohim to her people. A gift used for protection, not devastation like Malcolm at first believes. Iya has the ability to shape her fire into animal creations, that can move at her command, which isn't just a neat trick but something necessary to her people's role.

Like I said, Malcolm doesn't believe that the Emberling's fire is a good thing. In fact, he hates them for it. But let's just say, things change... But not without a lot of pain for both Malcolm and Iya first. So, here's an introduction to Malcolm and Iya in the form of some quotes and sneak peaks from Emberling, with character collages. Like I said, I already shared a lot of quotes and lines from Emberling in my review. (And don't let Malcolm fool you, you'll come to like him like I did, even if it doesn't seem so at first. Also, you will like his horse, Shar. Shar is awesome. As is the realistic portrayal of horses in this book.)

Both Iya and Malcolm go through... Well, a lot. At the hands of men and at the claws of some of those creatures up there. There's a lot of suspense and action, and...

Deep themes and sacrifice.

So if that sounds up your alley, and Uriu a world you want to step further into, then you can get a copy of Emberling on amazon. And, whether you order e-book or paperback, if you fill out this form within two weeks after the release date, you can get order goodies for free! (Including a sticker of one of Iya's fire creations...)

In the meantime, thank you for taking step into this book's world and meeting its characters!

Until the next post, may you be blessed,

Abby 💜

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