*rubs hands* Let's dive into this!
There’s a reason I don’t read Christian dystopian that much, or dystopian of any kind for that matter. Why? Because good grief, it makes for some tense reading!
But that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it 😝
If you want some action, this is the book for you. It’ll keep you flipping those pages (or e-pages, whichever you have). Like, it might become a problem because you’re supposed to be doing chores or something else boring but you MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO POOR TONY!!!
I say ‘poor Tony’ for a reason, because man, the guy had it harder in this book than he did in the last one *winces* I mean, take a look at this quote:
“Yet he couldn’t do much more than sit around and read a suspense book that wasn’t as suspenseful as the first time he’d read it. Probably because he’d lived through worse than the characters.” (Page 93)
I feel so bad for him right there 😬
And CRAIG!! Craig came back! I knew he would! I think I’m one of the few people that thought Tony might have been just a *little* tough on him the first time around. But to watch Tony realize that he could be, indeed, he had been Craig many times was both heartening and humbling to read.
Oh, by the way, can we talk about Scott for a moment? (Spoilers from here on out in bold): He was literally only there for the first 5 pages and then boom, he’s gone 😢 Like, ouch, that was quick. I liked him! He died well 💜 Just sorry he didn’t get to live out his faith a little longer. (An example of why I don’t read a whole lot of this genre.)
Merri doesn't get an easy introduction to the faith either. I just want to give her a nice big hug and some chocolate sometimes. She’s really trying but switching from doubts to faith isn’t easy sometimes. I get that, I understand it.
I also understand her struggle to trust. To trust that it will be okay in the end, and to believe that God truly will work all things out for good.
Also, she wins a Best Sister award for bringing along Tony’s Bible 😉 I just think that was so sweet.
There’s also a great cast of side characters. Wes and Matilda, for example, they’re awesome. So kind, so wise, so caring, you’ve got to love characters like them. Brent and Rick are such sturdy, faithful fellows, nothing had better happen to them *glares at author* They’re like, the awesome friend duo.
But I’ll just tell you that (minor-ish spoiler:) everything does turn out alright in the end, okay? So go ahead and read this, if Christian dystopian is your thing, or even if it isn’t but you still like faith-filled, fast paced adventure, with little to no unrealism mixed in.
Eagerly looking forward to the conclusion of this series!
Disclosure: I received this book free from the publisher/author. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a review.
Thank you so much Kristiana for letting me read this! If you guys would like to meet her, here are the links to her Goodreads, website, Instagram and Pinterest:
Link to buy Refuge from the Storm: https://books2read.com/Refuge-from-the-Storm