(This is a very short update. Published to the newsletter subscribers on September 30th, 2022.)
Things are somewhat in limbo at the moment. I have finished all the rewriting, for now, but just a little while ago MORE ideas popped into my head. And before that, another theme came to me that I wanted to put in and flesh out. AND I think I have an idea for a little short story snippet that would be for you, my newsletter subscribers.
The more I write this book, the more I think about it, it just keeps changing and developing and going deeper. I think this could be a really impactful book, not just for equestrians but others as well.
Currently, I decided I needed to get a bird's eye view, so to speak, of the themes, plot, etc. Thus, I've created a chart of sorts, and color coding system (I delight in lots of color), divided the book into three different plot parts, and started marking down what themes show in each of the chapters. This is something I've never done before, so we'll see how it turns out. I've completed part 1, and have two more parts of the book left to go.